Thursday, February 27, 2014


Governor Jan Brewer at the center of the storm
Created in part by Sen. Steve Yarbrough, R-Chandler, co-sponsor of SB1062
While Tony Alba, Media Relations Manager for Arizona Tourism, is on the front line

Most of the nation for the past week was focused on Arizona SB 1062, the freedom of religion/gay discrimination bill passed by the state legislature last Thursday and vetoed yesterday by Governor Jan Brewer  

I was following the story too, but much of my emotional connection to the situation was in sympathy for someone who was not in the news but who plays a key role in the process.  His name is Tony Alba, the Media Relations Manager for the US and Canada at the Arizona Office of Tourism.  Charged with enticing business into Arizona from out-of-state, Mr. Alba is normally extolling the virtues of Arizona's natural beauty and robust industrial infrastructure.  

Although there's curiously no mention of it in his twitter feed Alba must have received a Grand Canyon-size headache when this legislative bombshell made the news.  Perhaps he wondered why he wasn't doing the same job in the other five states where similar legislation died last year with less fanfare -- South Dakota, Kansas, Idaho, Tennessee, Colorado, and Maine  Instead, Mr. Alba probably went into crisis mode -- a rare occurrence for a tourist office -- to manage the growing firestorm around him and his state.  

Although many interests are connected with this issue, there are two main targets that demand Mr. Alba's attention.  The first group is out-of-state organizers of upcoming large conventions taking place in Arizona.  The second is concerned businesses with plans to start operations in Arizona.  What are the keys to a successful navigation of this contentious issue when speaking to concerned parties?  In their interactions, Alba and his team should be honest and optimistic while reinforcing to these groups and companies the reasons they selected Arizona in the first place remain unchanged. 
1.  Nothing has been decided -- nothing is determined until the governor decides how to proceed.  Once her decision is made -- whether for or against -- the wheels of the legislatures and courts will continue to grind into the future forcing changes and modifications as is the practice in every state.
2.  An independent streak is an Arizona tradition -- Arizonans pride themselves on thinking for themselves, sometimes bucking popular trends throughout the rest of the country.  But in most every case, the state has eventually come into line with national perceptions and sentiment.
3.  Arizonans are overwhelmingly tolerant -- many cultures, religions and races coexist in Arizona and although there are difficulties at times, the majority of Arizonans appreciate our differences and treat others with respect, regardless of what the letter of the law may be.
4.  Do not rush to judgement  and stay the course -- your decision to come to Arizona was made with much deliberation over a long period of time.  Take a deep breath and express to decision-makers in their organizations to do the same to see how the situation appears after another few weeks.
5.  Political controversy occurs in every State -- examples exist from every state in the Union where people elected to office were found lacking in the moral or ethical standard expected of high office. 

If Mr. Alba is able to create a calm atmosphere of mutual respect during his client conversations, SB 1062 is one ferocious lightning storm he and his department may be able to weather without serious consequences.  And then he may be able to enjoy a lazy weekend vacation -- rafting the Colorado River perhaps?

No cell phones here , but Kiva Couchon